ADDWF f, d | Add W and f |
ADDWFC f, d | Add with Carry W and f |
ANDWF f, d | AND W with f |
ASRF f, d | Arithmetic Right Shift |
LSLF f, d | Logical Left Shift |
LSRF f, d | Logical Right Shift |
CLRF f | Clear f |
CLRW | Clear W |
COMF f, d | Complement f |
DECF f, d | Decrement f |
INCF f, d | Increment f |
IORWF f, d | Inclusive OR W with f |
MOVF f, d | Move f |
MOVWF f | Move W to f |
RLF f, d | Rotate Left f through Carry |
RRF f, d | Rotate Right f through Carry |
SUBWF f, d | Subtract W from f |
SUBWFB f, d | Subtract with Borrow W from f |
SWAPF f, d | Swap nibbles in f |
XORWF f, d | Exclusive OR W with f |
DECFSZ f, d | Decrement f, Skip if 0 |
INCFSZ f, d | Increment f, Skip if 0 |
BCF f, b | Bit Clear f |
BSF f, b | Bit Set f |
BTFSC f, b | Bit Test f, Skip if Clear |
BTFSS f, b | Bit Test f, Skip if Set |
ADDLW k | Add literal and W |
ANDLW k | AND literal with W |
IORLW k | Inclusive OR literal with W |
MOVLB k | Move literal to BSR |
MOVLP k | Move literal to PCLATH |
MOVLW k | Move literal to W |
SUBLW k | Subtract W from literal |
XORLW k | Exclusive OR literal with W |
BRA k | Relative Branch |
BRW | Relative Branch with W |
CALL k | Call Subroutine |
CALLW | Call Subroutine with W |
GOTO k | Go to address |
RETFIE k | Return from interrupt |
RETLW k | Return with literal in W |
RETURN | Return from Subroutine |
CLRWDT | Clear Watchdog Timer |
NOP | No Operation |
OPTION | Load OPTION_REG register with W |
RESET | Software device Reset |
SLEEP | Go into Standby mode |
TRIS f | Load TRIS register with W |
ADDFSR n, k | Add Literal k to FSRn |
MOVIW n mm | Move Indirect FSRn to W with pre/post inc/dec modifier, mm |
MOVIW k[n] | Move INDFn to W, Indexed Indirect |
MOVWI n mm | Move W to Indirect FSRn with pre/post inc/dec modifier, mm |
MOVWI k[n] | Move W to INDFn, Indexed Indirect |