#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import serial import readchar import argparse import threading from time import sleep def print_serial(): while True: sys.stdout.write(ser.read()) def send_file(path, ch): f = open(path, 'rb') c = f.read() f.close() n = len(c) buf = [(n % 65536) % 256, (n % 65536) / 256, (n / 65536) % 256, (n / 65536) / 256] ser.write(ch) ser.write(buf) sleep(1) ser.write(c) sleep(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-port', default='/dev/ttyUSB0') args = parser.parse_args() if os.geteuid() != 0: print "run me as root" sys.exit() if os.path.exists('zpm.bin') == False: print 'failed to open zpm.bin' sys.exit() print """Upload commands 'A' - allrom.bin upload (2MB) 'a' - loader.bin upload (8K max) 'k' - zimage.dat upload (581K max) 'u' - ramdisk.gz upload (1.5MB max) Follow changes with 'WYes' to write '?' - show zipit information Other commands 'R' - grab ROM 'x' - exit\n""" f = open('zpm.bin', 'rb') zpm = f.read() f.close() ser = serial.Serial(args.port, 9600) for x in range(2048): ser.write(zpm[x]) ser.close() ser = serial.Serial(args.port, 57600) thread = threading.Thread(target=print_serial) thread.daemon = True thread.start() while True: ch = readchar.readchar() if ch == 'A': print 'send allrom.bin...' send_file('allrom.bin', ch) elif ch == 'a': print 'send loader.bin...' send_file('loader.bin', ch) elif ch == 'k': print 'send zimage.dat...' send_file('zimage.dat', ch) elif ch == 'u': print 'send ramdisk.gz...' send_file('ramdisk.gz', ch) elif ch == 'x': break else: ser.write(ch) ser.close()
$ sudo ./run.py Upload commands 'A' - allrom.bin upload (2MB) 'a' - loader.bin upload (8K max) 'k' - zimage.dat upload (581K max) 'u' - ramdisk.gz upload (1.5MB max) Follow changes with 'WYes' to write '?' - show zipit information Other commands 'R' - grab ROM 'x' - exit ZPM .02 - 57.6Kbps new cmds Loader addresses: 00002000 00090000 OK > send loader.bin... BEG:00000D30END:E6OK > send zimage.dat... BEG:00084DE8END:76OK > send ramdisk.gz... BEG:0013720CEND:B3OK > E+W PWD?ERASING,ERASED,WRITTEN! OK >
司徒終於可以在Pandora掌機上開發Zipit Z1的程式了!