Number | Name | Function |
1 | SIGHUP | Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process |
2 | SIGINT | Interrupt from keyboard (Ctrl+c) |
3 | SIGQUIT | Quit from keyboard |
4 | SIGILL | Illegal instruction |
5 | SIGTRAP | Trace trap |
6 | SIGABRT | Abort signal from abort |
6 | SIGIOT | I/O trap |
7 | SIGBUS | Bus error |
8 | SIGFPE | Floating point exception |
9 | SIGKILL | Kill signal |
10 | SIGUSR1 | User define signal 1 |
11 | SIGSEGV | Invalid memory reference |
12 | SIGUSR2 | User define signal 2 |
13 | SIGPIPE | Write to pipe with no readers |
14 | SIGALRM | Timer signal from alarm |
15 | SIGTERM | Termination signal |
16 | SIGTKFLT | Stack fault |
17 | SIGCHLD | Child status has changed |
18 | SIGCONT | Continue after stop |
19 | SIGSTOP | Stop(Ctrl+z) |
20 | SIGTSTP | Stop signal generated from keyboard |
21 | SIGTTIN | Background read attempted from control terminal |
22 | SIGTTOU | Background write attempted to control terminal |
23 | SIGURG | Urgent condition present on socket |
24 | SIGXCPU | CPU time limit exceeded |
25 | SIGXFSZ | File size limit exceeded |
26 | SIGVTALRM | Virtual time alarm |
27 | SIGPROF | Profiling timer alarm |
28 | SIGWINCH | Window changed |
29 | SIGIO | I/O is possible on a descriptor |
29 | SIGPOLL | I/O is possible on a descriptor |
30 | SIGPWR | UPS power Failure |
31 | SIGUNUSED | Unused |
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> void handle_signal(int sig) { printf("User break\n"); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { signal(SIGINT, handle_signal); pause(); return 0; }
$ gcc main.c -o main $ ./main ^C User break