在刷機時,如果選擇Format All,則開機會出現TEE:未激活、Google:未激活文字
1. 安裝Magisk
2. 在Magisk Modules頁面,安裝MagiskHidePropsConf.zip
3. 開啟ADB Shell
Titan_pocket:/ $ su Titan_pocket:/ # props Loading... Please wait. MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2 by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers ===================================== Updating fingerprints list ===================================== Checking list version. Fingerprints list up-to-date. Checking for module update. No update available. MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2 by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers ===================================== Select an option below. ===================================== 1 - Edit device fingerprint 2 - Force BASIC key attestation 3 - Device simulation (disabled) 4 - Edit MagiskHide props (active) 5 - Add/edit custom props 6 - Delete prop values 7 - Script settings 8 - Collect logs u - Perform module update check r - Reset all options/settings b - Reboot device e - Exit See the module readme or the support thread @ XDA for details. Enter your desired option: 6 MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2 by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers ===================================== Delete props Select an option below: ===================================== Delete prop values on your device. Currently no props set for removal. Please add one by selecting "New prop" below. n - New prop b - Go back to main menu e - Exit See the module readme or the support thread @ XDA for details. Enter your desired option: n MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2 by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers ===================================== New prop ===================================== Enter the prop to delete. Example: ro.sf.lcd_density b - Go back e - Exit Enter your desired option: ro.agui_tee MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2 by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers ===================================== ro.agui_tee ===================================== The current value is: TRUSTKERNEL This will delete ro.agui_tee from your system. Do you want to continue? Enter y(es), n(o) or e(xit): y Working. Please wait... Working. Please wait... Working. Please wait... MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2 by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers ===================================== Reboot - Delete ro.agui_tee ===================================== Reboot for changes to take effect. Do you want to reboot now (y/n)? Enter y(es), n(o) or e(xit): y Rebooting...