#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <SDL.h> #include <SDL_image.h> int main(int argc, char* args[]) { int loop = 1; SDL_Event event; if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { printf("%s, failed to SDL_Init\n", __func__); return -1; } SDL_Surface* screen = NULL; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(1440, 1440, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF); if (screen == NULL) { printf("%s, failed to SDL_SetVideMode\n", __func__); return -1; } SDL_Surface* png = IMG_Load("app/native/main.png"); if (png == NULL) { printf("%s, failed to IMG_Load\n", __func__); return -1; } SDL_FillRect(screen, &screen->clip_rect, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); SDL_Rect of = {0}, clip = {0}; of.x = 0; of.y = 0; clip.x = 0; clip.y = 0; clip.w = 100; clip.h = 100; SDL_BlitSurface(png, &clip, screen, &of); of.x = 1340; of.y = 0; clip.x = 100; clip.y = 0; clip.w = 100; clip.h = 100; SDL_BlitSurface(png, &clip, screen, &of); of.x = 0; of.y = 1340; clip.x = 0; clip.y = 100; clip.w = 100; clip.h = 100; SDL_BlitSurface(png, &clip, screen, &of); of.x = 1340; of.y = 1340; clip.x = 100; clip.y = 100; clip.w = 100; clip.h = 100; SDL_BlitSurface(png, &clip, screen, &of); SDL_ShowCursor(0); SDL_Flip(screen); while (loop) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { loop = 0; } } } SDL_FreeSurface(png); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <qnx xmlns=""> <id>com.steward.sdl.ch6</id> <name>ch6</name> <filename>ch6</filename> <versionNumber>1.0.0</versionNumber> <buildId>1</buildId> <description>Lesson 6. Clip Blitting and Sprite Sheets</description> <author>Steward</author> <authorId>gYAAgGE4qaHzBnzEAu8JKe4G1OI</authorId> <asset path="main" entry="true" type="Qnx/Elf">main</asset> <asset path="main.png">main.png</asset> <asset path="lib" type="Qnx/Elf">lib</asset> <permission system="true">run_native</permission> <env var="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="app/native/lib"/> </qnx>
main: main.cpp ntoarmv7-gcc main.cpp -g -o main lib/ -Iinclude lib/ $(QNX_TARGET)/lib/libwebp.a blackberry-nativepackager -package bar-descriptor.xml -devMode -debugToken ${HOME}/.rim/ clean: rm -rf main rm -rf