$ sudo ./M32GBboot.sh $ sudo ./M32GBinit.sh $ sudo reboot
#!/bin/sh # Script to prepare Maemo 5 root FS on /home (/dev/mmcblk0p2 = eMMC partition 2) # Author: Leonid Yegoshin # remove old Maemo5 from /home first echo "Remove old Maemo5 root files from /home before copying..." (cd /home; rm -fr bin boot cdrom dev etc floppy initrd lib proc \ root sbin srv sys syspart usr var mnt tmp media home) # copy vital files echo "Unmount /opt bindings (one error on /opt is expected)..." MOUNTS=`mount | grep /opt | cut -d " " -f 1` for MOUNT in $MOUNTS ; do umount $MOUNT done echo "Start copying Maemo5 root file system to /home..." echo "(device can be unresponsible around 10 minutes)" cp -a /bin /boot /cdrom /dev /etc /floppy /initrd /lib \ /root /sbin /srv /usr /var /home echo "Copying done." echo "Remount /opt back (error about / is expected)..." start pymaemo-optify # create dirs and links echo "Create dirs..." mkdir /home/proc mkdir /home/sys mkdir /home/syspart mkdir -p /home/sys/kernel/debug mkdir -p /home/mnt/initfs mkdir /home/tmp ln -s / /home/home if [ ! -d /mnt/new_root ]; then mkdir /mnt/new_root fi echo "Edit a vital scripts on new root file system in /home partition..." rm -f /home/etc/event.d/hildon-startup-progress sed -i '/send_interface=/a\\ <allow send_type="method_call"/>' /home/etc/dbus-1/system.d/mce.conf if [ -f /home/usr/sbin/maemo-optify-lib.sh ]; then sed -i -e "/test_home_mount\(\)/{n;a\\ return 0" -e "}" /home/usr/sbin/maemo-optify-lib.sh sed -i -e "/test_opt_mount\(\)/{n;a\\ return 0" -e "}" /home/usr/sbin/maemo-optify-lib.sh fi sed -i "/mount_home \&\& /s///" /home/etc/event.d/rcS-late sed -i "/__home {/,/}/s/^/#/" /home/usr/lib/genfstab.awk cat <<EOF >/home/etc/event.d/restart-mce description "Restart mce to avoid a bug for loosing GPS in M32GB" author "Leonid Yegoshin" console output start on started rcS-late script sleep 20 stop mce sleep 2 start mce end script EOF if [ -f /home/user/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg ]; then if ! grep -q '/mnt/initfs/' /home/user/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg; then sed -i '/NoWatchDirectory=/s?=?=/mnt/initfs/;?' /home/user/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg chown user:users /home/user/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg fi fi echo "Done: Maemo5 has been prepared in /home partition"
#!/bin/sh # Script to prepare Maemo 5 boot from /home (/dev/mmcblk0p2) partition # Author: Leonid Yegoshin chksum=`/usr/bin/md5sum /sbin/preinit` if [ "x$chksum" != "x10926aa4e68958c387bc08aacc39b4fa /sbin/preinit" ]; then if [ "x$chksum" != "x8b030c7e22f4b58a644d2282144339a5 /sbin/preinit" ]; then echo "/sbin/preinit is a modified (non PR1.2 or PR1.2 + kernel-power) version. Stop" exit 1 fi fi # fix bugs in /sbin/preinit echo "Modifing /sbin/preinit..." if [ -f /sbin/preinit.M32GBPR12-orig ]; then mv /sbin/preinit.M32GBPR12-orig /sbin/preinit fi mv /sbin/preinit /sbin/preinit.M32GBPR12-orig cp /sbin/preinit.M32GBPR12-orig /sbin/preinit sed -i '/attempting to use bootmenu/a\\ default_root="mmc"' /sbin/preinit sed -i '/if search_root_onmmc; then/a\\ root_mounted=0' /sbin/preinit if [ ! -f /bootmenu.sh.M32GBPR12-orig ]; then mv /bootmenu.sh /bootmenu.sh.M32GBPR12-orig fi echo "Creating /bootmenu.sh..." cat <<EOF >/bootmenu.sh rm -rf /bootmenu.log exec 3>&1 4>&2 trap 'exec 2>&4 1>&3' 0 1 2 3 exec 1>/bootmenu.log 2>&1 echo "start+++" cd /dev; /sbin/MAKEDEV input; cd / modprobe omap_hsmmc rm -f /dev/mmcblk* sleep 2 for p in /sys/block/mmcblk*/ /sys/block/mmcblk*/mmcblk*p*/; do n=`basename $p` rm -f /dev/$n mknod /dev/$n b `cat $p/dev | sed "s/:/ /g"` done modprobe mmc_block modprobe mmc_core modprobe mbcache modprobe jbd modprobe ext3 sleep 1 chmod 660 /dev/mmcblk* mount -t ext3 -o noatime,nodiratime,commit=1,data=writeback /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt/new_root ls /dev/mmcblk* echo "end---" EOF echo "Done. Booting with open keyboard will use root FS on eMMC partition 2."
#!/bin/sh # Script to remove Maemo 5 root FS from /home (/dev/mmcblk0p2) partition # Author: Leonid Yegoshin # remove old Maemo5 from /home first echo "Remove old Maemo5 root files from /home..." (cd /home; rm -fr bin boot cdrom dev etc floppy initrd lib proc \ root sbin srv sys syspart usr var mnt tmp media home) # restore bootmenu and preinit if [ -f /sbin/preinit.M32GBPR12-orig ]; then echo "Restore /bootmenu.sh and /sbin/preinit..." mv /sbin/preinit.M32GBPR12-orig /sbin/preinit if [ -f /bootmenu.sh.M32GBPR12-orig ]; then mv /bootmenu.sh.M32GBPR12-orig /bootmenu.sh else rm /bootmenu.sh fi fi echo "Done."