手機 - Jolla Phone - Recovery Mode

Debian x64:
1. 電源鍵 + 音量下鍵
2. 開機看到Jolla Logo後連接USB至PC
3. 系統會多一張網卡(如:eth1),接著使用如下指令回復至原廠出場設定:

$ sudo dhcpcd eth1
$ sudo ifconfig eth1
$ telnet
    Jolla Recovery v0.2
    Welcome to the recovery tool!
    The available options are:
    1) Reset phone to factory settings
    2) Reboot phone
    3) Bootloader unlock [Current state: locked]
    4) Shell
    5) Try btrfs recovery if your device is in bootloop
    6) Exit
    Type the number of the desired action and press [ENTER]:
    mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p28 on /mnt/ failed: Invalid argument
