Nintendo 3DS
build devkitpro (CROSSBUILD=aarch64-linux-gnu)
1. MultiarchCrossToolchainBuild
Debian 10 x64
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64 $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install libmpc-dev:arm64 libmpfr-dev:arm64 lib-gmp:arm64 zlib1g-dev:arm64 qemu qemu-user-static -y $ sudo chmod 0777 /opt $ cd $ git clone $ cd buildscripts $ vim +29 CROSSBUILD=aarch64-linux-gnu $ wget $ wget $ wget $ wget $ ./ Please select the toolchain you require 1: devkitARM (gba gp32 ds 3ds) 2: devkitPPC (gamecube wii wii-u) 3: devkitA64 (switch) 1 Please enter the directory where you would like 'devkitARM' to be installed: for mingw/msys you must use <drive>:/<install path> or you will have include path problems this is the top level directory for devkitpro, i.e. e:/devkitPro /opt/devkitpro use /usr/bin/make as make Ready to install devkitARM in /opt/devkitARM press return to continue Would you like to delete the build folders and patched sources? [Y/n] Removing patched sources and build directories note: Add the following to your environment; DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro DEVKITARM=/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM $ file /opt/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc /opt/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=ed7388c909e11eb3c2fc7891199d8cb927fb6f5f, stripped
P.S. 編譯過程中,需要的rules相關檔案,可以從devkitpro_x64提取