unit main; interface uses DDDK; const DEV_NAME = '\Device\MyDriver'; SYM_NAME = '\DosDevices\MyDriver'; function _DriverEntry(pMyDriver : PDriverObject; pMyRegistry : PUnicodeString) : NTSTATUS; stdcall; implementation function IrpOpen(pMyDevice : PDeviceObject; pIrp : PIrp) : NTSTATUS; stdcall; begin DbgPrint('IRP_MJ_CREATE', []); Result := STATUS_SUCCESS; pIrp^.IoStatus.Information := 0; pIrp^.IoStatus.Status := Result; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); end; function IrpRead(pMyDevice : PDeviceObject; pIrp : PIrp) : NTSTATUS; stdcall; begin DbgPrint('IRP_MJ_READ', []); Result := STATUS_SUCCESS; pIrp^.IoStatus.Information := 0; pIrp^.IoStatus.Status := Result; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); end; function IrpWrite(pMyDevice : PDeviceObject; pIrp : PIrp) : NTSTATUS; stdcall; begin DbgPrint('IRP_MJ_WRITE', []); Result := STATUS_SUCCESS; pIrp^.IoStatus.Information := 0; pIrp^.IoStatus.Status := Result; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); end; function IrpClose(pMyDevice : PDeviceObject; pIrp : PIrp) : NTSTATUS; stdcall; begin DbgPrint('IRP_MJ_CLOSE', []); Result := STATUS_SUCCESS; pIrp^.IoStatus.Information := 0; pIrp^.IoStatus.Status := Result; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); end; procedure Unload(pMyDriver : PDriverObject); stdcall; var szSymName : TUnicodeString; begin RtlInitUnicodeString(@szSymName, SYM_NAME); IoDeleteSymbolicLink(@szSymName); IoDeleteDevice(pMyDriver^.DeviceObject); end; function _DriverEntry(pMyDriver : PDriverObject; pMyRegistry : PUnicodeString) : NTSTATUS; stdcall; var suDevName : TUnicodeString; szSymName : TUnicodeString; pMyDevice : PDeviceObject; begin RtlInitUnicodeString(@suDevName, DEV_NAME); RtlInitUnicodeString(@szSymName, SYM_NAME); Result := IoCreateDevice(pMyDriver, 0, @suDevName, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, FALSE, pMyDevice); pMyDriver^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] := @IrpOpen; pMyDriver^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_READ] := @IrpRead; pMyDriver^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_WRITE] := @IrpWrite; pMyDriver^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] := @IrpClose; pMyDriver^.DriverUnload := @Unload; pMyDevice^.Flags := pMyDevice^.Flags or DO_BUFFERED_IO; pMyDevice^.Flags := pMyDevice^.Flags and not DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING; Result := IoCreateSymbolicLink(@szSymName, @suDevName); end; end.
program main; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses forms, classes, windows, dialogs, messages, sysutils, variants, graphics, controls; var fd: DWORD; ret: DWORD; len: DWORD; szBuf: array[0..255] of char; begin fd := CreateFile('\\.\MyDriver', GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, Nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); StrCopy(szBuf, 'I am error'); len := strlen(szBuf); WriteFile(fd, szBuf, len, ret, Nil); WriteLn(Output, Format('WR: %s, %d', [szBuf, len])); FillChar(szBuf, 255, 0); ReadFile(fd, szBuf, len, ret, Nil); WriteLn(Output, Format('RD: %s, %d', [szBuf, ret])); CloseHandle(fd); end.