驅動程式 - Windows NT Driver (Legacy) - 使用範例 - Assembly (MASM32) - Handle File IRP - Choose DO_NEITHER_IO



.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

include c:\masm32\Macros\Strings.mac
include c:\masm32\include\w2k\ntstatus.inc
include c:\masm32\include\w2k\ntddk.inc
include c:\masm32\include\w2k\ntoskrnl.inc
include c:\masm32\include\w2k\ntddkbd.inc
include c:\masm32\include\wxp\wdm.inc
include c:\masm32\include\wxp\seh0.inc

includelib c:\masm32\lib\wxp\i386\ntoskrnl.lib
public DriverEntry
MyDeviceExtension struct
    szBuffer byte 255 dup(?)
    pNextDevice PDEVICE_OBJECT ?
MyDeviceExtension ends

IrpOpenClose proc pMyDevice : PDEVICE_OBJECT, pIrp : PIRP
    IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation pIrp
    movzx eax, (IO_STACK_LOCATION ptr [eax]).MajorFunction

    .if eax == IRP_MJ_CREATE
        invoke DbgPrint, $CTA0("IRP_MJ_CREATE")
    .elseif eax == IRP_MJ_CLOSE
        invoke DbgPrint, $CTA0("IRP_MJ_CLOSE")

    mov eax, pIrp
    and (_IRP ptr [eax]).IoStatus.Information, 0
    mov (_IRP ptr [eax]).IoStatus.Status, STATUS_SUCCESS
    fastcall IofCompleteRequest, pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT
    mov eax, STATUS_SUCCESS
IrpOpenClose endp

IrpReadWrite proc uses esi edi pMyDevice : PDEVICE_OBJECT, pIrp : PIRP
    local len : dword
    local bReadable : dword
    local bWritable : dword
    and len, 0
    mov eax, pMyDevice
    mov eax, (DEVICE_OBJECT ptr [eax]).DeviceExtension
    lea edi, (MyDeviceExtension ptr [eax]).szBuffer
    mov eax, pIrp
    push (_IRP ptr [eax]).UserBuffer
    pop esi

    IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation pIrp
    movzx eax, (IO_STACK_LOCATION ptr [eax]).MajorFunction
    .if eax == IRP_MJ_WRITE
        invoke DbgPrint, $CTA0("IRP_MJ_WRITE")
        IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation pIrp
        push (IO_STACK_LOCATION ptr [eax]).Parameters.Write._Length
        pop len
        mov bReadable, 0
            invoke ProbeForRead, esi, len, 1
            invoke memcpy, edi, esi, len
            invoke DbgPrint, $CTA0("Address: 0x%x, Length: %d"), esi, len
            mov bReadable, 1
            .if bReadable == 0
                invoke DbgPrint, $CTA0("Failed to read from user buffer")
    .elseif eax == IRP_MJ_READ
        invoke DbgPrint, $CTA0("IRP_MJ_READ")
        mov bWritable, 0
            invoke ProbeForWrite, esi, len, 1
            invoke strcpy, esi, edi
            invoke strlen, edi
            mov len, eax
            mov bWritable, 1
            .if bWritable == 0
                invoke DbgPrint, $CTA0("Failed to write to user buffer")
    mov eax, pIrp
    push len
    pop (_IRP ptr [eax]).IoStatus.Information
    mov (_IRP ptr [eax]).IoStatus.Status, STATUS_SUCCESS
    fastcall IofCompleteRequest, pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT
    mov eax, STATUS_SUCCESS
IrpReadWrite endp

Unload proc pMyDriver : PDRIVER_OBJECT
    local szSymName : UNICODE_STRING
    invoke RtlInitUnicodeString, addr szSymName, $CTW0("\\DosDevices\\MyDriver")
    invoke IoDeleteSymbolicLink, addr szSymName
    mov eax, pMyDriver
    invoke IoDeleteDevice, (DRIVER_OBJECT ptr [eax]).DeviceObject
Unload endp
DriverEntry proc pMyDriver : PDRIVER_OBJECT, pMyRegistry : PUNICODE_STRING
    local pMyDevice : PDEVICE_OBJECT
    local szDevName : UNICODE_STRING
    local szSymName : UNICODE_STRING
    mov eax, pMyDriver
    mov (DRIVER_OBJECT ptr [eax]).MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE * (sizeof PVOID)], offset IrpOpenClose
    mov (DRIVER_OBJECT ptr [eax]).MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE    * (sizeof PVOID)], offset IrpOpenClose
    mov (DRIVER_OBJECT ptr [eax]).MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_WRITE    * (sizeof PVOID)], offset IrpReadWrite
    mov (DRIVER_OBJECT ptr [eax]).MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_READ     * (sizeof PVOID)], offset IrpReadWrite
    mov (DRIVER_OBJECT ptr [eax]).DriverUnload, offset Unload
    invoke RtlInitUnicodeString, addr szDevName, $CTW0("\\Device\\MyDriver")
    invoke RtlInitUnicodeString, addr szSymName, $CTW0("\\DosDevices\\MyDriver")

    invoke IoCreateDevice, pMyDriver, sizeof MyDeviceExtension, addr szDevName, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, FALSE, addr pMyDevice
    .if eax == STATUS_SUCCESS
        mov eax, pMyDevice
        and (DEVICE_OBJECT ptr [eax]).Flags, not DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING
        invoke IoCreateSymbolicLink, addr szSymName, addr szDevName
DriverEntry endp
end DriverEntry
